Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Joyful. Thankful. Excited. Nervous. Scared. Overwhelmed with how God is working. Multiply all of those feelings by 6546542313574 and that is how I am feeling today. I am so joyful and thankful. Thankful for our new home. Sad to have left our old home, but thankful and excited for new beginnings, new friends, and new opportunities. Thankful for the $2700 dollars out of the $4375, that you all have generously donated towards my trip in 57 days. 57 DAYS! To think that in less than two months (Lord willing) I will be back in Swaziland astounds me.

I am so excited about how the preparations for Swaziland are going. He is truly giving me the desires of my heart! Seeing that I only started raising support one month ago, I am overwhelmed and thankful for the response people have given.

As I mentioned before I STILL have $1,675 to go!

If you would like to donate, here are some ways to get involved:

Mail to me directly:

Chandler Robertson
150 North Ridge Drive
Saltillo, MS 38866

Online donations:

Click this link:


Go to:
Put in your information.

With online donations you will need this information:

I am going through the Ambassador Program.
Name: Hannah Chandler Robertson

Also,  the paypal link is on the right :)

I ask for your prayers. Our team is getting so excited. We now have leaders! (BTW, they are so awesome. I am so excited to be under their leadership!) We cannot do this without second by second intercession with our Father. Swaziland is such a spiritually dark place, I pray we will light it up with everything we do while we are there. I ask that you pray for me as I prepare myself physically and emotionally.

You all bless me everyday. I can feel your encouragement already! I am so thankful for the body of Christ around me.

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