Only three weeks untill I leave for Swaziland and I feel the farthest thing from ready. But will I truly ever be fully ready? He equipts those He calls, AND I'm human. My faith is being tested, my strength is basically non-existant but praise God that Jesus fills us with His faith and His strength! I'll be honest with you, raising support for this trip is one of the hardest experiences I have ever had in my life. Since March, God has provided $3,888 of the $4,375 that is needed for me to go to Swaziland. This morning, my lack-of-faith and I decided that apparently all the support already raised wasn't enough and that I needed to freak out over the few hundred dollars that are still needed. I can almost hear Jesus say, " Oh you of little faith!" I, regretfully, let fear take over.
I want to be back in Swaziland so much. I want to be ransacked with little children as we walk into the carepoints and orphanages. I want to sing, dance, laugh and tell biblestories with them. I want to help the Gogo's prepare meals for all the kids. I want to go into the hospitals, love on the residents, pray with them, speak truth with them and my teamates. I want to share in their brokenness and tell them that in Jesus, they are chosen, loved, cherished, and priceless. I crave it. But strangely, there in lies my problem. This isn't about me.
This is about the Son of God humbling Himself by coming to earth as a man. Fully God and fully man, He lived a sinless life and followed the will of His Father by being crucified on a cross for the sins of the entire world. Three days later He rose from the grave. Victory over death and victory over sin! The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed! This is about His death and life, and our life in Him! This is about His example. About being salt and light. Loving our enemies. Seeking justice. His Kingdom come. The least of these. Seeking Love. This is about our God and His glory. Not about what people think of me, not even about the people I come to know in Swaziland. This is about Him and His glory. Praise the Lord that He has given me the greatest desire to go where He has called me!
I think of the Israelites in the desert right after crossing the red sea. God provides for them time and time again and what do they do? They complain. And you know what? God always provided. Always. Their fear, complaining and worry was for nothing!
In Christ, fear vanishes. Anxiety is no more. Perfect Love casts out fear, so I will not sit and dwell in what I do not have. I will not fear because fear is not from God. God called me to go to Swaziland and I stepped out in obedience. Lord, help me not be like the Israelites. Your will is Your will. You are faithful. You will provide!
All support has to be in by next thursday, June, 16th! Walk with me, knees to the earth, over these next few days. Let's watch God provide these last few hundred dollars.
I covet your prayers and if you would like to donate, click the link below!
* I am a part of the Ambassador program!
**Starting THIS thursday, mail in donations will not have time to process before my trip.. only online donation can be made.
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